Tuesday, September 25, 2007

NASA hides the true colors of Mars!?

NASA is apparently tampering with the images brought back from Mars changing blue to a red color. According to the article I came across, The original colors on the tabs of the sundial on the craft that was sent to Mars was pictured as blue on Earth. However, once photographed on Mars, the same tab is shown as a red. This being said, the artcle justifies its' claim by stating that if the blue was taken out of the photographs, then "all green elements in the copmlete picture have changed into orange, andall blue elements have changed into red" thus explained by basic color theory.
The article also claims that NASA has tampered the pictures to make the photographs from Mars look "smoggy" and dusty. The photograph presented by NASA gives a good example of this. However, the article states that the smog and dust can easily be made by tampering with the photo by using "the raw RGB (red, green, blue) data provided by JPL to create the same picture." This picture, however, showed a greater amount of detail than the one sent out by NASA.
So who knows, maybe NASA is tampering with the photographs from Mars. Or maybe it is the JPL members, the "good guys" as stated int he article, that are the ones tampering with the colors. After all, their entire point was stated the fact that it would be easy for NASA to alter the colorations in the photographs, there is no reason that JPL can't do the same.
I guess we will just have to wait and see.


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