Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"History's Big Lie"...apparently.

Even the idea of a person that does not believe in the Holocaust seems absolutely ridiculous, hence the reason I was so surprised to come across a myriad of articles claiming that it was history’s “biggest lie”. In the article I read, it began with by using the “logic” that “how could Hitler kill 6,500,000 Jews although they were only 3,450,000 in German occupation?” Perhaps the author of this article should check his facts before making such a bold statement. While there may have been only 3,450,000 Jews in Germany at the time, the Nazis did not stay put in Germany alone, thus ending the credibility of his argument before the article is even read.
However, to help his argument, the author attempts to justify that these other Jews fled the country before the war even began, “Jewish migration to the Soviet Union, therefore, reduces the number of Jews within the sphere of German occupation to around 3.5 million” But where exactly is he getting this evidence from? It almost seems like he pulled random numbers out of a hat and decided to prove his case upon them. It seems somewhat illogical.
Another piece of evidence that the author tries to use is the fact that “Hitler was killing all, not Jews especially” Although it is true that Hitler was not focused specifically on the Jews, he also killed homosexuals, mentally disabled, etc., he was not killing “all”.
All in all, the pieces of evidence that the author uses are not logical, nor are the completely accurate. Before anyone would even have to consider his point, he would have to revise his claims to match the evidences he provides; however, that would be seemingly impossible since neither his claims nor his evidence are accurate.


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