Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Devil lives in New Jersey. [no suprise there]

The "Jersey Devil", sometimes referred to as the "Leeds Devil" is a creature described as a "flying biped with hooves" that lives in the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey. The legend began in the 18th century when a woman from England moved to New Jeresy to live with her husband, Mr. Leed. She had given birth to 12 of his children and by the time she became pregnant with the 13th, she declared that she would rather give birth to the Devil's children. Apparently her wish was granted and the child was born with hooves, claws, and a tail. This devil child then ate the Leeds, and their children, and escaped through their chimney.
Over the years, several encounters of this creature were claimed. Commodore Stephen Decatur, a naval hero, during the 1800's, was in the Barrens to test cannonballs when he claimed that he hit a "strange, pale white creature winging overhead." The creature, most likely the devil of course, continued flying unfazed.
The devil was also blamed for several livestock killing over the years in which were "accompanied by strange tracks and unearthly screams."
Perhaps the biggest recording of witnessing the Jersey Devil was in 1909 when thousands of people reported to seeing the devil during the week of January 16-23.


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