Monday, December 3, 2007

Energy? I guess...its a pretty big deal.

So I thought this topic was really broad and I really wasn't sure what the write about. "Energy", does that mean the different kinds of energy? Like kinetic, potential, thermal, electromagnetic, chemical, nuclear, and mass energy?
Well if so there you have it. These forms of energy have all "been defined to explain all known natural phenomena".
Energy can be converted into different forms, but it can never be created or destroyed.
Honestly, I hated chemistry and physics in high school, so I don't really want to discuss energy in those aspects. There are tons of equasions and such. Thats all boring to me. I do know that all living organisms rely on energy. Its the source of all life. So yeah, its a pretty big deal.
We need to find new sources of energy, I can tell you that much, in order to save the environment! That would be cool.
Yeah, as you can probably tell, I had no idea what exactly I was supposed to be getting at with this blog. But I hope it makes some sense?


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Technology in the Classroom

More and more schools and universities are beginning to incorporate new and advanced technology as a part of the curriculum. With advances in technology, Professors are able to record their entire lecture as a pod cast and post it online where students who missed the class are able to listen to it online. The development of the “smart classroom” incorporates a number of technological features in the class that leave the old chalkboard and eraser behind. Now smart boards replace chalkboards, videos replace textbooks, along with a myriad of other technological devices. Teachers and Professors are typically encourages to incorporate technology into the classroom as well. Assignments can be placed online as well as grades, readings, practically the entire class.
But some Universities are saying that that is encouraging students to skip classes knowing that they can merely listen to the lecture at their convenience, or visit the class’s website to check for any assignments. Is the “smart classroom” secretly ruining classic teacher-student education? Either way you look at it, it is certainly changing the way we become educated.


Monday, November 26, 2007

The Simpsons: Just Your Average Family?

The Simpsons television show has been showing since 1989 depicts a crazy, lovable, and somewhat dysfunctional family comparable to those ideal families on sitcoms at the time. So why in the world would anyone consider this so-called “non-traditional” family actually be the typical American family?
To begin, we take a look at the family as a whole: a father, mother, and two point five children, that is one boy, girl, and a baby. So far it sounds like the average American family. Each family member has their own stereotypical roles that they fulfill: the father brings home the money, the mother cooks and cleans, the son makes mischief, and the daughter is mature and studious.
When Americans think of the “typical American family”, they tend to idealize it. It is true that more families in America act and live, to some degree, like the Simpsons as opposed to an idealized depiction of the American family such as the Cleavers from Leave it to Beaver. The Simpsons show American families as they truly are: imperfect. It’s just a fact that there is no “perfect family”. Sure siblings will argue with one another, parents disagree, there could be times of hardship or prosperity; and that is exactly what the Simpsons are showing.
Now obviously they do not portray the exact definition of an “American family”. Most families are probably not nearly as ridiculous as they are; however, they are also cartoons, and what would be interesting about them if they didn’t get into some sort or crazy trouble. Some things are exaggerated as well in the Simpsons, like the personalities of the family members; but that is because the show is a satire on the typical American family. But in the end, the Simpsons seem to be one of the closest portrayals of an American family on televisions today.

Money Helps You Have Faith

Benny Hinn is a well-known televangelist who produces the television show “This is Your Day” where he markets and sells his books, videos, CDs, and bibles. Benny Hinn uses ideas based on the “word-faith movement” along with “prosperity gospel”. These two ideas teach that through ones’ faith they can obtain anything they desire such health, wealth, or success. He has even stated that “by sowing a sufficient monetary seed into his ministry—that person will be granted divine physical healing.” Many Christian groups have actually criticized him for preaching the “Prosperity Gospel” and even misinterpreting scriptures multiple times. Hinn refuses to join the “Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability” which is a council that “is the leading accreditation agency that helps Christian ministries earn public’s trust through adherence to seven standards of accountability.” Sounds to me like Benny Hinn is not that credible of a “faith healer”; it sounds more like he is just after money.'


Monday, November 12, 2007

Oh George.

With regards to the issue on “torture”, your current leader, President George W. Bush, does not seem to make a definite statement. Although while meeting with John McCain and John Warner on the issue, Bush wanted to “make it clear to the world that this government does not torture and that we adhere to the international convention of torture, whether it be here at home or abroad.”
Although Bush’s statement may seem to suggest that he is against torture, his plan regarding interrogation seems to suggest otherwise. When Warner suggested the bill stating that “bars classified evidence if not shared with the defendant, as well as evidence obtained by torture or inhumane treatment; extends constitutional protections against inhumane treatment to terrorism defendants.” Bush says that this bill could shut down many important CIA interrogations. He said “In order to protect this country, we must be able to interrogate people who have information about future attacks. I will resist any bill that does not enable this program to go forward.”
Bush’s plan on the matter “keeps classified evidence from defendants; allows evidence obtained by ‘coercive’ methods; defines inhumane treatment as ‘severe physical or mental pain.’”
This proposal for interrogating suspects would “essentially rewrite the 1949 Geneva Conventions and invite other countries to weaken the treaty's ban on humiliating, cruel and degrading treatment of prisoners.” Thus your President, America, is a man who does not let his country torture; the CIA however, well, they can do what they please, but its all to keep our country safe, right?


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Pythia: the Oracle at Delphi

In ancient Greece, there was said to be a priestess known as Pythia who was said to be the Oracle of Apollo. Pythia was said to produce prophecies in a "frenzied state induced by vapors rising from the ground, and that she spoke gibberish which priests reshaped into the enigmatic prophecies". Though these "vapors" were actually a drug, many of her prophecies were written down and actually came true.
One example was in 630BC when the King of Thera brought a gift to the oracle. When he did so, she told him "that he should found a city in Libya". The king did not know where Libya was, and so he did nothing. When he returned to Thera, it did not rain for a long time and so he decided to go back to the oracle to ask her what could be done. She told him "if they...would make a settlement at Cyrene in Libya, things would go better with thelm". The king decided to follow this advice and so he sought out Libya with help from the Cretans. When he finally established a city in LIbya, things were still going poorly for the colony. So he went back to the oracle and she said, "know you better than I,fair Libya abounding in fleeces? Better the stranger than he who has trod it? Oh! Clever Therans!" And so the Therans aked to local Libyans where they should establish a city and thus the city prospered.
Another example occured in 401Bc when the oracle told the Spartans that "Sure though thy feet, proud Sparta, have a calre, a lame king's reign may see thee trip--Beware! Troubles unlooked for long shall vex thy shore, and rolling Time his tide of carnage pour" Shortly after this warning, Agesilaus, the king of Sparta at the time who acceeded the Lysander, began taking on too many battles, and inticed teh Thebans to fight. For the first time the Spartans were defeated by the Thebans.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Devil lives in New Jersey. [no suprise there]

The "Jersey Devil", sometimes referred to as the "Leeds Devil" is a creature described as a "flying biped with hooves" that lives in the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey. The legend began in the 18th century when a woman from England moved to New Jeresy to live with her husband, Mr. Leed. She had given birth to 12 of his children and by the time she became pregnant with the 13th, she declared that she would rather give birth to the Devil's children. Apparently her wish was granted and the child was born with hooves, claws, and a tail. This devil child then ate the Leeds, and their children, and escaped through their chimney.
Over the years, several encounters of this creature were claimed. Commodore Stephen Decatur, a naval hero, during the 1800's, was in the Barrens to test cannonballs when he claimed that he hit a "strange, pale white creature winging overhead." The creature, most likely the devil of course, continued flying unfazed.
The devil was also blamed for several livestock killing over the years in which were "accompanied by strange tracks and unearthly screams."
Perhaps the biggest recording of witnessing the Jersey Devil was in 1909 when thousands of people reported to seeing the devil during the week of January 16-23.
