Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Devil lives in New Jersey. [no suprise there]

The "Jersey Devil", sometimes referred to as the "Leeds Devil" is a creature described as a "flying biped with hooves" that lives in the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey. The legend began in the 18th century when a woman from England moved to New Jeresy to live with her husband, Mr. Leed. She had given birth to 12 of his children and by the time she became pregnant with the 13th, she declared that she would rather give birth to the Devil's children. Apparently her wish was granted and the child was born with hooves, claws, and a tail. This devil child then ate the Leeds, and their children, and escaped through their chimney.
Over the years, several encounters of this creature were claimed. Commodore Stephen Decatur, a naval hero, during the 1800's, was in the Barrens to test cannonballs when he claimed that he hit a "strange, pale white creature winging overhead." The creature, most likely the devil of course, continued flying unfazed.
The devil was also blamed for several livestock killing over the years in which were "accompanied by strange tracks and unearthly screams."
Perhaps the biggest recording of witnessing the Jersey Devil was in 1909 when thousands of people reported to seeing the devil during the week of January 16-23.


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ghost Investigations of the Payne-Gentry Mansion

According to the Missouri Ghost Hunters Society, an official organization mind you, the historical Payne-Gentry Mansion Bridgeton, Missouri is haunted with spirits. The team of ghost hunters had heard claims of people seeing spirits of children playing near a tree in the backyard and front porch of the mansion. Their goal was "to record spirit energy in and around this home." and they were "not disappointed" apparenlty with their findings.
After teaming up with the Ghost Hunters of St. Louis, the two teams decided to both take separate readings and compare. Both teams took measurements of the "Geo and Electromagnetic fields" surrounding the mansion in order to compare. The teams then worked together to search for any nearby cemetaries in order to determine who these children ghosts were. "To their amazement" they discovered a small unmarked cemetary near the tree in the backyard which had several children burried in it.
After they finished the investigation outside, the teams moved to the attic, naturally, since thats where ghosts hang out, right? In the attic they waited for something to happen for about fifteen minutes when a member of the team detected a "cold spot" moving up the stairs accompanied by the sound of "someone unseen" walking up the stairs. One of the team members who was standing on the stairs said he could "feel the vibrations of the footsteps" as they walked on the step he was standing on.
When all was said and done, the teams took out their handy digital cameras to take pictures in and around the mansion, of course, since that is the best way to see a ghost. They came back with about 336 pictures of the mansion, filled with photographs of "orbs", also known as spirits apparently. Looks like any other ghost investigation if you ask me.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Crop Circles

Are aliens visiting our planet and landing in our wheat fields? Although many have catagorized these formations from naturalistic to paranormal, it is highly unlikely that these were formed by visitors from another planet. Especially since the majority of "crop circles", as they are called, have been discovered to be man-made hoaxes. In a study done in 2000, it concluded that 80 percent of UK circles were definitely man-made.
Two men from Southampton, England admittedto having created crop circles before and described the tools and techniques that came along with them. Tehy stated that they used a four foot long plank attached to a rope to stomp on the crops and create circles with an eight foot diameter. The two eventually designed more tools to help make more complex designs. They figured out how to create straight lines within the crops as opposed to just simple circles.
Eventually the two men had to turn themselves in when the wife of one of them discovered a high amount of mileage on their car. She accused him of cheating on her, and he eventually had to confess to her what he had been doing.
I suppose this is one more way to prove that aliens do not exhist.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Y2K Bug

The Y2K Bug, also known as the Year 2000 Problem, was due to a computer program that was supposed to operate incorrectly for dates and times after January 1, 2000. Supposedly, the computers would not be able to store data from the date “00”, that being “2000”, because they would think that it was the date “1900”. This scare caused people to fear that huge industries and government functions would not be able to work once the bug was in effect.
The public became almost obsessed with the idea of “Y2K”The problem. Some would stock up on supplies, believing that once the virus took hold of the computers, they would not be able to get their essential every day items.
The bug was eventually put into place when computer programmers realized their mistake. Apparently the “Y2K” bug was not going to crash the computer systems at all. In fact, the whole problem had been blown out of proportion in one epic mass hysteria.
